A debate about strengthening EU democracy through a resilient civil society
10 April 2024. 09:30 – 12:00 CET
European Parliament – ASP1E2. Brussels

Organised by Civil Society Europe and the European University Association, the event will explore the impact of the proposal of the European Commission for a Defence of Democracy Package on fundamental rights focusing on the proposal for a directive establishing harmonised requirements in the internal market on transparency of interest representation carried out on behalf of third countries (link), in view of current discussion at the European Parliament and within the Council of the European Union.
The proposed directive aims at laying down harmonised rules for a high level of transparency of “interest representation activities” carried out on behalf of third countries with the objective of influencing the development, formulation or implementation of policy or legislation, or of public decision-making process, in the Union, to address covert foreign interference.
The Commission considers that the proposal does not have a significant impact on fundamental rights as it does not forbid any interest representation activity but rather creates a framework for transparency for these activities.
During the discussion with key representatives from co-legislators, academia and civil society we will examine the possible undue impact on the freedom of association and expression as well as academic freedoms of this approach in the EEA and globally.
We will also draw lessons from existing similar legislation and policies in Europe and beyond on foreign interference, and see whether and how concerns can be remedied in the proposal.