CSE’s Working Groups (WGs) have been established to create a space for dialogue between civil society organisations and movements across the EU. The WGs provide a common and permanent space for the pooling of experiences and good practices; knowledge and documentary sources; campaigns and other forms of collective actions. They are currently focused on 4 thematic areas. Click on them to learn more:
Civic Space and Fundamental Rights
This WG is dedicated to advocating and enhancing civic space throughout the EU, including by working on topics like civil dialogue, the Defence of Democracy Package and the Commission’s annual Rule of Law report. Learn more here.

Civil Society State of the Union
This WG is dedicated to following up on the Conference on the Future of Europe (CoFoE) and to supporting civil society and citizens’ participation in EU democracy. Learn more here.

This WG is dedicated to exchanging about and working on funding issues, including European grant programmes (ex: CERV), the EU’s Multiannual Financial Framework and the recognition of civil society organisations (CSOs)’ need for more and better funding. Learn more here.

This WG is dedicated to enhance communication between CSE and our members. We use it to exchange information about our respective work, disseminate policies and/or content, and communicate internally. Learn more here.

Interested in joining one of our Working Groups? Please fill out this form or contact nastassia(dot)maes(at)civilsocietyeurope(dot)eu.