Find out about Civil Society Europe’s (CSE) campaigns, calls, open letters and more.
European civil society calls for urgent action to uphold democracy and foster civic space in the EU

On International Democracy Day, 415 civil society organisations joined Civil Society Europe’s open letter urging EU leaders to take decisive action to foster a vibrant civic space, uphold democracy, and safeguard fundamental rights in the next five years. Our demands? a European Civil Society Strategy, a Civil Dialogue Agreement and more.
Almost 100 newly elected MEPS have pledged to support civil society

Almost 100 newly elected MEPs and the lead candidates from most of the main European political families have signed the “Civil Society for EU” campaign pledge, committing to support European civil society during the upcoming mandate! This includes the lead candidates of PES, the Greens, Renew Europe and the Party of European Left. In total, 455 candidates for the EP elections signed the pledge (See full list).
Within the framework of the campaign, CSE is reaching out to political group leaders, the EP President, nominated EP Vice Presidents and EC key staff to advocate for the re-appointment and strengthening of a European Parliament Vice-President with responsibility for Civil Dialogue and a European Commission Vice-President with responsibility for Democracy, Civic Space and Civil Dialogue.
‘Civil Society for EU’ reaches over 400 commitments from candidates to the EU Elections

Over 400 candidates for the European Parliament elections have already signed the ‘Civil Society for EU‘ campaign pledge in support of European civil society!
Implemented by CSE and Social Platform, CS4EU is an EU Elections campaign that calls on future policy leaders to better recognise, support and engage with civil society through concrete policy measures.
Our EU elections campaign ‘Civil society for EU’ goes public with a brand new website
After several months of work, the campaign “Civil Society for EU” is getting relaunched today with a refreshed visual identity and a dedicated website. The website features key data, information and stories on European civil society. It will also display those candidates to the EP elections who will choose to sign the campaign pledge and express their support to European civil society.

EU Foreign Interference Law: Is Civil Society at Risk?
3 May 2023
Civil Society Europe is bringing together 230 civil society organisations from across Europe to express concern and opposition to a proposed ‘foreign interference’ directive which would create a register of Foreign Funded organisations.
Civil society EU 2024 elections campaign for better civic space and civil dialogue
5 May 2023
Civil Society Europe and Social Platform are bringing together a broad coalition of civil society and philanthropy organisations to be vocal about the need for better civic space and civil dialogue all over Europe ahead of the 2024 EU elections.

NextGenerationEU must involve all stakeholders! So far, it has not.
10 February 2023
Civil Society Europe has co-signed the statement with the European Students Union, OBESSU – the Organising Bureau of European School Students Unions, and the Lifelong Learning Platform.
Civil society public letter on the Council’s proposed general approach to the Regulation of Political Advertising
31 October 2022
The compromise text proposed by the Czech Presidency for the Regulation on political ads poses risks to democracy and civic space.
Civil Society High-Level Conference, 30th June – Paris
8 July 2022
On the 30th of June 2022, as a follow-up process of the Civil Society Convention for the Conference of the Future of Europe (CSOCoFoE), Civil Society Europe (CSE), the French Economic, Social and Environmental Council (CESE), and the Mouvement Associatif (LMA) held a High Level Conference on Civil Society and the Future of Europe that was organised under the auspices of the French Presidency of the European Union.
‘Rebuild Ukraine’ : A joint statement to the European Commission
6 July 2022
In May 2022, the platform “RebuildUkraine,” developed for the reconstruction of Ukraine, was announced by Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission. As civil society organisations, we applaud the formation of ‘RebuildUkraine.’ However, we are concerned about the absence of any mention of the role of Ukrainian and European civil societies.
The Future of Europe is Ours: a view from civil society
28 June 2022
We are delighted to present to you the official report by the Civil Society Convention for the Conference on the Future of Europe (CSO CoFoE) titled “The Future of Europe is Ours: A View from Civil Society.”
Join our call for a Civil Society Strategy!
21 June 2022
Civil Society Europe, with the support of the European Civic Forum, sent out a letter this morning urging European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen to include a European Civil Society Strategy in the EC’s 2023 work programme.
Strasbourg Summit and closing event of the CoFoE
30 May 2022
The closing event of the Conference on the Future of Europe, on 9 May, was preceded by the Strasbourg Summit. The latter took place from 5 to 8 May and was organised by civil society organisations, including JEF Europe.
A European Statute for Associations: let’s get the ball rolling!
10 February 2022
Together with Philea, Social Services Europe, the European Center for Not for Profit Law and CEDAG, we welcome the European Parliament Report on A Statute for European Cross Border Associations and non-profit organisations as an important contribution to the recognition and strengthening of the role and enabling framework of civil society organisations in Europe.
Civil Society & the National Recovery and Resilience Plans: A Reality Check
17 December 2021
Civil Society Europe together with the European Center for Not-for-Profit Law has released a study updating its analysis of the participation of civil society organisations in the preparation of the National and Recovery and Resilience Plans published in December 2020.
Bring your folding chairs and let’s rock the Conference for the Future of Europe!
16 April 2021
During its meeting on 7 April, the Executive Board of the Conference on the Future of Europe* rejected a proposal from the European Parliament to include a representative of the Civil Society Convention on the Future of Europe as an observer.
Today at 5:00 pm: we are launching the Civil Society Convention on the Future of Europe!
3 February 2021
On the 3rd of February at 17:00, Civil Society Europe will be launching the Civil Society Convention on the future of Europe.
Join the Civil Society Convention on the Future of Europe
13 January 2021
The Conference on the Future of Europe is due to kick off soon. In addition to a decentralised exercise with events at local and national levels, it will also include an interinstitutional conference plenary, which will debate proposals and organise a follow up to the conference.
Are you involved in the National Recovery and Resilience Plans?
3 December 2020
Civil Society Europe has launched a survey on the participation of civil society in the drafting of the National Recovery and Resilience Plans. EU Member States have to present a plan by April 2021 in order to benefit from the funding of the European Recovery Plan agreed at EU level.
Protecting Public Watchdogs across the EU: A Proposal for an EU ANTI-SLAPP Law
1 December 2020
Civil Society Europe has joined forces with 66 civil society organisations from across Europe that have been working together over the past years to raise awareness and urge policy makers to protect public watchdogs such as journalists, rights defenders, activists and whistleblowers from Strategic Lawsuits Against Public Participation (SLAPPs) to present a paper with a proposal for anti SLAPP Law.
We are for a strong EU Framework Directive on Minimum Income.
12 November 2020
Together with 33 European level civil society organisations, 45 Members of the European Parliament and 42 academics, we support the call initiated by our members Eurodiaconia and Social Platform as well as the European Anti Poverty Network and Caritas Europa, we support the call for a legally binding Framework Directive on Minimum Income.
European democracy needs a vibrant and independent civil society
16 September 2020
Civil society Europe together with its members and allies published a statement as a contribution to the European Commission consultation on the European Democracy Action Plan.
EU institutions repond to our letter on Europe’s recovery after the pandemic and Civil Society
17 August 2020
Last 18 June Civil Society Europe sent a letter signed together with 52 platforms of civil society organisations to the European Commission, the European Council, the German Presidency of the EU and the European Parliament ahead of the European Council meeting which discussed the EU Recovery Plan and the EU Multiannual Financial Framework 2021-2027.
A shrinking and threatened civic space is an important indicator of a weak rule of law
4 May 2020
Civil Society Europe published today its response to the European Commission annual report Rule of law stakeholders consultation which has been prepared by its civic space working Group.
Open letter: the EU must not sit idly by while a Member State’s democracy is in jeopardy
16 April 2020
Civil Society Europe has co-signed the following letter, together with other 79 civil society organisations and members of the European Parliament. The letter was sent to the presidents of the European Commission and Council.
Covid 19 : Civil Society at the forefront
16 April 2020
Civil society organisations in Europe are active providing support and information to people that are affected in different ways by the Covid 19 pandemic crisis. CSOs are also playing a watchdog role by monitoring the policy development and making the case for those that are the most vulnerable in the current situation and by calling for action.
CSE calls for legal measures at EU level to counter SLAPPs
4 February 2020
Civil Society Europe supports a letter sent to the Vice President of the European Commission Vera Jourova and signed by 26 civil society organisations representing journalists, NGOs and activists and calling for EU measures to deter Strategic Lawsuits Against Public Participation (SLAPPs) whihc are increasingly used to silence individuals and organisations that play a watchdog role and hold those in position off power to account.
Strengthening the rule of law through an enabling civic space
7 November 2019
Civil Society Europe working group on civic space and fundamental rights met with Dr. Sylwia Spurek, member of the European Parliament Civil Liberties Committee, last 4 November.
CSE meets EP Vice presidents in charge of relations with citizens
16 September 2019
Last Tuesday Civil Society Europe had two meetings the Vice Presidents of the European Parliament, Mr Othmar Karas and Ms Katerina Barley responsible for relations with Citizens, as a follow up of exchange of correspondence with EP President Mr Sassoli.
The impact of Civil Society Organisations in Europe
11 September 2019
Civil Society Europe has published an infographics on the impact of civil society organisations in the European Union.
CSE writes to future Commission President on civic space in Europe
11 September 2019
At a time when basic civic rights are under attack accross Europe and globally the European Union should lead by example by strnegthening democracy and ensuring the conditions for civil society to flourish.
A Roadmap to Civil Dialogue in the EU
20 June 2019
At a moment when basic civil rights are challenged across the European Union, European Institutions need to lead by examples in ensuring that organised civil society can flourish and be empowered.
CSE responds to EC rule of law consultation
4 June 2019
Civil Society Europe (CSE) welcomes the Commission’s Communication on Further Strengthening the Rule of Law within the Union State of Play and possible next steps. In the current context where persistent and longstanding abuses to the rule of law and EU values have occurred, this Communication is much needed.
Letter to the EC Vice-President on monitoring the rule of law, democracy and fundamental rights in the EU
30 November 2017
On 30 October 2017, Civil Society Europe addressed a letter to the first EC Vice-President, Frans Timmermans, in order to organise a meeting to discuss initiative that could be undertaken to promote civic spaces and democracy in Europe.
CSE Statement to Hungarian people and civil society organisations
2 June 2017
Civil Society Europe invites Civil Society Organisations across Europe to join in a common statement in solidarity with people in Hungary.
EYCA “It’s About Us, it’s About Europe!”
9 September 2015
During the “European Year of Citizens 2013” sixty-two European networks of associations and non-governmental organizations backed by 22 coalitions at the national level joined forces to form the European Year of Citizens Alliance 2013 (EYCA).