Civil Society Europe (CSE) is a partner in “EnTrust – Enlightened Trust”, a multidisciplinary and international research project dedicated to providing novel insights into trust and distrust in governance and measures to support sustainable and democratic societies in Europe.
More about the project
EnTrust, a Horizon 2020 project, is led by the University of Siegen as part of a consortium of seven research teams from the Czech Republic, Denmark, Germany, Greece, Italy, Poland and Serbia with expertise in sociology, psychology, political science, media and communication studies, as well as a civil society practitioner active at the EU level. The project, selected by the European Commission from a highly competitive bid, started in February 2020 and will run until 2024.
The EnTrust project seeks solutions to important societal challenges: the erosion of trust and the rise of distrust in national and European governance in a context of multiple crises, which affect also trust in other institutions (markets, media or science). EnTrust produces in-depth knowledge and increases the understanding of all political and social actors affected by current developments in order to propel those actions necessary to prevent harm to democratic governance and restore the relations between citizens and institutions.
The findings of this project will be an important contribution to current policy discussions on trust, accountability and transparency in governance, but also on the role of civil society organisations and civic movements as intermediary bodies between citizens and decision-makers in building trust. It will also contribute to problem-solving in these areas.
Our work
CSE is responsible for work package 7 “Civilising Trust and Distrust: Role Models and Recommendations“, which examines the (trust) relationships between pan-European civil society organisations (CSOs) and EU institutions. As part of this, CSE monitors and analyses legal frameworks, policy documents and existing practices of European governance, its engagement in deliberations with civil society organisations, its identification of best practices, and its development of policy and practical recommendations. Review the most relevant outputs of our work below.
Introduction to Civil Dialogue: Training manual

This training manual aims to contribute to developing a culture of civil dialogue in EU public officials, by providing trainers with exercises to raise awareness about its importance and effectively implement the principles of civil dialogue and citizens’ accessibility to EU policy-making. The publication is aimed at those who seek to prepare a training session on civil dialogue for public officials and policy-makers at the European level. The trainers, therefore, can be members of civil society organisations (CSOs), public officials from outreach units, as well as policy-makers’ assistants and advisors to policy-makers.
Integrated policy paper

The Integrated Policy Paper aims to present the policy recommendations stemming from the research streams explored by the EnTrust team. The document is based on the findings and recommendations presented in the project’s seven European Policy Briefs (PBs), built on the team’s research and enriched by roundtable discussions with stakeholders. The paper gives a holistic overview of the findings of the EnTrust research as presented in the PBs, and then provides twelve overarching recommendations stemming from them.
Report on Practices of Enhanced Trust in Governance

This report analyses the role, current state, and opportunities surrounding trust and distrust in the interaction between CSOs and EU governance. It explores the evolution of civil society’s involvement in EU governance from a constitutional, legislative, and regulatory perspective, analyses the origins and conditions of (dis)trust in EU institutions, and examines the status of trustworthy civil dialogue at EU and national levels. Finally, it offers evidence-based recommendations to strengthen trust and foster meaningful civil society engagement within EU governance structures.
European Policy Brief 7: A vibrant civic space and trustworthy civil dialogue at the EU level

This policy brief examines the role of civil society organisations in EU policy-making, provides insights into the conditions of trust and mistrust between civil society organisations and the EU institutions, and makes recommendations for establishing a genuine civil dialogue at the European level.
Other policy briefs

The EnTrust 7 Policy Briefs (PBs) address the main findings of the project’s research and provide evidence-based policy recommendations regarding current policy debates around trust and distrust in governance, civil society and the future of democracy in Europe. The PBs were prepared by CSE on the basis of the research work packages conducted by the EnTrust consortium.
Other output
Enlightened Trust: A Wiki for social and civic activism

The EnTrust wiki is a collaborative website that aims to interactively present how the EU institutions work and how activists can concretely participate in EU policymaking. The website is structured in 8 interactive modules, each with learning outcomes, a glossary, policy recommendations, an interactive quiz, and resources to further delve into the topic.
Documentary videos
The 7 short documentaries, produced by CSE and the University of Siegen together with filmmaker Camille Delbos, highlight the main project’s findings about the forms, determinants and consequences of (dis)trust in governance, and give a voice to research participants. The videos feature EnTrust researchers, public officials, institutional representatives, civil society and social movements activists, and citizens from 12 countries who discuss the different topics tackled by the project. Watch them all here.
A Europe We Trust: visions of European youth

This contest called on young people aged 13-19 living in Europe to share their visions for the future of Europe in a creative format. The contest aimed to encourage European youth to think about the future of Europe, how Europe can better meet their needs and their attitudes towards European governments and institutions.
Online debate: Distrust, disengagement and the challenges of democracy
A pact on informed and open policy debate: Civil dialogue and the (dis)trust relationship between civil society and EU institutions

This debate delved into the (dis)trust relationship between civil society organisations and EU institutions, and the topic of creating a civil dialogue for EU policymaking. With the participation of decision-makers and CSOs’ representatives, the event presented the EnTrust findings and policy recommendations, as well as a balance of the training manual on civil dialogue.
Online debate: Evidence-informed policy making and the role of ‘knowledge-intermediaries’
EnTrust Research Conference: Practice and research avenues on trust and distrust in governance

The conference explored in three parallel workshops key dimensions of trust and distrust between citizens and institutions based on the findings of 4 years of research. The event gathered practitioners and researchers to discuss the outcomes of the project and further avenues for practice-oriented research.
EnTrust Final Conference: Acting to (re)build citizens’ trust in EU governance
Other events
Expert roundtable discussion on (dis)trust attitudes in governance
Expert roundtable debate on trustworthy Media
Expert roundtable debate on social movements
Debate on Trust & Distrust at the Street level of Public policy
Round Table Debate on Trust and distrust in governance – what is at stake?
Curious for more? Visit the EnTrust website and learn more about the project.
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 870572.