Unpacking the EU AML/CFT Package

In May 2024, the EU adopted a new Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism package, which will be applicable from July 2027. Join us for this event as we explore the potential impact of this new package on the non-profit sector.
When: Wednesday 19 March 2025, h 16:45 – 18:15.
Where: Brussels, meeting venue will be confirmed after registration.
Civic Pulse: Connecting MEPs and EU civil society

At the start of the new policy cycle, Civil Society Europe and Social Platform are organising ‘Civic Pulse’, a networking event bringing together MEPs and EU civil society to exchange on how to foster collaboration between policy makers and civil society and discuss the establishment of an interest group on civil society.
When: Tuesday 19 November 2024, h 18:00 – 20.00.
Where: European Parliament, Brussels, Culina Mundi Event Area (SPINELLI Zone E)
Civil Society Europe’s 2024 Annual General Assembly
On June 26th, we held CSE’s Annual General Assembly in Brussels, presenting and discussing CSE’s work and next steps. The occasion served to adopt CSE’s Strategic Action Plan 2025-2029, the work programme and budget for 2025, as well as CSE’s Code of Conduct.
A huge thank you to all our members for their invaluable contributions!

Eurovision Debate 2024 Watch Party

The EU Elections are around the corner and, with them, the last “spitzenkandidat” debate. Join us on 23rd May at 14:45 CEST at Mundo Madou to watch and comment on the Eurovision debate together, and have a chance to network and exchange plans in the light of the EU Elections with some drinks and snacks!
This event is organised within the framework of CSE and Social Platform’s EU Elections campaign “Civil Society for EU”, which has the support of over 260 civil organisations and 400 candidates for the EU Elections.
EnTrust lunchtime online debate: Distrust, disengagement and the challenges of democracy

This event will reflect on current trends around citizens’ (dis)trust towards democratic institutions (e.g. abstentionism on the rise in Europe’s elections), as well as how to redress a narrative of generalised distrust while constructively re-engaging disillusioned citizens.
To do so, with the participation of representatives of CSOs and EU institutions, the debate will discuss the ‘Guide on Enlightened Trust’ which provides scientific evidence on levels & forms of trust and distrust in political institutions, the determinants that impact their development, and the consequences and potential scenarios associated with different constellations of trust and distrust in democratic governance.
When and where? Thursday, 25th of April. 12:00 – 13:00 CEST. Online
EnTrust lunchtime debate: A pact on informed and open policy debate: Civil dialogue and the (dis)trust relationship between civil society and EU institutions

This event will delve into the (dis)trust relationship between civil society organisations and EU institutions, and the topic of creating a civil dialogue for EU policymaking. The debate will present the EnTrust project findings and policy recommendations, as well as a summary of the experience of drafting a training manual on civil dialogue and its testing.
It will offer a space for decision-makers and representatives of CSOs to discuss ways of establishing a real framework for civil dialogue, and to reflect on the nature of the (dis)trust relationship between civil society and the EU.
When and where? Tuesday, 23rd of April. 11:45 – 13:00 CEST. Brussels and online
Defence of democracy package & fundamental rights: What is at stake?

CSE and the European University Association will host a debate about the proposal of the European Commission for a ‘Defence of Democracy’ Package (DoD) on April 10th in the European Parliament. The event will explore the impact of the DoD package on fundamental rights focusing on the proposal for a directive establishing harmonised requirements in the internal market on transparency of interest representation carried out on behalf of third countries.
EnTrust online debate: Evidence-informed policy making and the role of ‘knowledge-intermediaries’

This EnTrust project online event will focus on the role of scientific evidence in policy making, current challenges and future paths. The event will also discuss the Manual for Evidence-informed Policy Making and reflect upon the role of ‘knowledge-intermediaries’ in detecting, processing and presenting policy-relevant evidence for policymakers. When? 19 March 2024.
CSE at Civil Society Week

From the 4th to the 7th of March, CSE participated in the Civil Society Week at the European Economic and Social Committee. We had the pleasure of co-organising three workshops with the participation of representatives from civil society, media, academia and the EU institutions, leading to fruitful discussions around pressing issues such as the EU elections, civil dialogue & civic space, inclusive democracy, and smart policy-making. (Re)visit with us the highlights of the event!
EESC’s Civil Society Week 2024
As part of the European Economic and Social Committee’s Civil Society Week, Civil Society Europe (CSE) is excited to co-organize three engaging sessions about the EU in the elections, civic dialogue & space, inclusive democracy, and policy-making.
Learn more here and register by 27 February.

What role for civil society in protecting European democracy?: Policy debate around the vision of the European political parties
In the framework of the campaign Civil Society for EU, together with the leaders of prominent European political parties we will discuss the links between threats to democracy and shrinking space for civil society against the backdrop of next year’s European elections.
Find the agenda here.
Register here.
A single Market for the Public Good
28 November 2023
Civil society, including philanthropy, is the cornerstone of our democratic and pluralistic societies. We contribute to solving societal issues in many ways, and increasingly also across borders. Yet, old and new barriers hamper our work. We need an enabling environment to unleash our full potential to do public good. Join us to discuss how to create a single market for the public good!
Civil Society State of the Union public launch
29 August 2023
On Wednesday 6th September 2023, Civil Society Europe will publicly launch its Civil Society State of the Union report (CS SOTEU 2023). After months of hard work, we will present this joint report which comprises our vision and key recommendations as civil society for a…
Expert Roundtables: Trustworthy Media
Join us on 09 February 2023! In the last years, the relationship between the media and trust in democratic institutions has received increasingly attention. Media freedom and pluralism are seen in danger, sometimes caused by governmental control over media outlets. At the same time, concerns over the dangers of digital platforms for human rights and democracies have become more…
CSE Accountability Training Session on Codes of Conduct
FOR MEMBERS ONLY Join us on 15 December! Civil Society Europe is organising an accountability training session for CSE members on the topic of codes of conduct. It will be held on the 15th of December 2022 in Brussels, Belgium, from 10:00 to 12:30 (CET) . Within our multiannual work programme, CSE organises training sessions to reinforce civil society…
Workshop on Disinformation & Civic Space
Join us on 13 December! Civil Society Europe is organising a Lunch workshop on Disinformation and civic space on 13 December from 12:30 to 14:30. The workshop will enable us to get further insights into main EU plans ahead to counter disinformation and we will discuss how these interact with civic space. This discussion is timely as the European Commission is preparing…
High-Level Conference on ‘RebuildUkraine’ & Civil Dialogue
Join us on 29 November! In cooperation with the European Environmental Bureau (EEB), we are pleased invite you to the High-Level Conference on ‘RebuildUkraine’ and Civil Dialogue, which will be held on the 29th of November 2022 in Brussels, Belgium, and online, from 09:30 to 13:15 (CET). Lunch will be served after the conference. The first aim of the conference is to…
High Level Conference Civil Society and The Future Of Europe
As a follow-up process of the Convention and the Conference of the Future of Europe, Civil Society Europe, the French Social Economic and Environmental Council, and the Mouvement Associatif will we be holding a High Level Conference on Civil Society and the Future of Europe that will be organised under the auspices of the French Presidency of the European Union, on the 30th…
Expert Round Table on the Role of Social Movements in Trust in Governance
Online Expert Round Table on Social Movements as alternative arenas of Political Participation – Mobilising Citizens in the re-creation of Trust and Distrust organised in the framework of the Horizon 2020 Entrust Project on enlightened trust in governance. The online Round table will discuss together with Governance actors, civil society and academics, findings from the EnTrust project Integrated Report on the role…
European Disability Forum Launch Event
The European Disability Forum (EDF) is pleased to invite you to follow the launch of its 6th edition of the Human Rights Report focused on the rights of persons with disabilities to vote and to stand as candidates in the EU elections. The report explores and compares the legal and practical barriers that prevent persons…
5th Strasbourg Summit
On 5th- 8th of May 2022, come to the #StrasbourgSummit to make sure citizens’ expectations are followed with actions. Under the flagship of CSE, the CSO Convention #CSOCoFoE will be heading the Civil Society Summit on Saturday (May 7) 9:30-15:30. This summit aims to bring together all the driving forces of European civil society (associations, trade unions, NGOs, foundations, etc)…
CSOCOFOE Final Event
Members of Civil Society Europe, We kindly invite you to the CSO Convention on the Conference of Europe, which will take place on March 21st and 22nd, 2022. This event will take place in a HYBRID format. After a year of hard effort, we will be presenting the Final Recommendation output of our thematic clusters to the…
Civil Society Organisations: Key Actors for The Future of Europe
Civil society organisations address a wide range of issues and fulfill critical social, cultural, civic, recreational, and economic functions. They support underrepresented and marginalized groups, offer critical services, and contribute to social cohesion and the preservation of democratic life through their different missions. Around one in every five Europeans is involved in associative life in some form. Despite this, the…
Kick Off Event on The Conference on The Future of Europe
The Civil Society Convention on the Future of Europe is organising a public event with a high level panel debate with the Vice President of the European Commission, Dubravka Šuica, and members of the European Parliament, active in the Executive Board of the Conference as well as a dialogue with the Conference Secretariat on the…
New Eu Policy on Money Laundering And Terrorism Financing Prevention: The Impact on The Not For Profit Sector
Civil Society Europe, together with Dafne, the donors and Foundations network in Europe, the European Foundation Centre, the European Fundraising Network, the European Center for Not-For-Profit law and Human Security Collective are pleased to invite you to a discussion with the European Commission and colleagues from civil society on the new EU Anti-Money Laundering and Terrorism…
Launch Of The Civil Society Convention On The Future Of Europe
Join us for the launch of the Civil Society Convention on the Future of Europe. Please Register here to receive the link to the virtual room by 29 January.
Joint CSE & EEB Event On National Recovery & Resilience Plans And Civil Society
Online Round Table On Trust & Distrust In Governance: The Role Of Media, Science & Civil Society
Draft agenda Entrust Round Table. Please register here by 22 November 2020.
Round Table On Trust & Distrust In Governance
Join us on 15 June from 9.30 to 11.30 for a round table debate. Registration open until 10 June.
European Civic Academy
The 3rd European Civil Society Academy will take place on 28 and 29 March 2019 in Słubice at Collegium Polonicum in Poland, an Academic institution symbol of reconciliation between Germany and Poland. The meeting is organised in cooperation of: OFOP, the national Polish civil society platform, Collegium Polonicum and the European Alliance for Social Sciences and Humanities. The European Civic Academy…