Find here other resources produced by CSE, such as videos, websites, recordings of events, and more.
Enlightened Trust: A Wiki for social and civic activism

The EnTrust wiki is a collaborative website that aims to interactively present how the EU institutions work and how activists can concretely participate in EU policymaking. The website is structured in 8 interactive modules, each with learning outcomes, a glossary, policy recommendations, an interactive quiz, and resources to further delve into the topic.
EnTrust documentary videos
Within the framework of the EnTrust project, CSE produced 7 short documentaries together with the University of Siegen. The videos highlight the main project’s findings about the forms, determinants and consequences of (dis)trust in governance —including the relationship between civil society organisations and public authorities in EU-level policy making— and give a voice to research participants. The documentaries feature EnTrust researchers, public officials, institutional representatives, civil society and social movements activists, and citizens from 12 countries who discuss the different topics tackled by the project.