December 2024
EU Civil Dialogue: the Foundations of an Institutional Framework
April 2024
Introduction to Civil Dialogue: Training manual

CSE is excited to present the training manual ‘Introduction to Civil Dialogue’. The manual aims to contribute to developing a culture of civil dialogue in EU public officials, by providing trainers with exercises to raise awareness about its importance and effectively implement the principles of civil dialogue and citizens’ accessibility to EU policy-making.
April 2024

Manifesto of the campaign “Civil Society for EU” which calls on the EU institutions to develop a Civil Society Strategy aimed at strengthening civil society organisations (CSOs) and human rights defenders and at protecting them from attacks and smear campaigns.
Enlightened Trust: A wiki for social and civic activism

CSE has developed the EnTrust Wiki, a collaborative website that aims to interactively present how the EU institutions work and how activists can concretely participate in EU policymaking. The website is structured in 8 interactive modules, each with learning outcomes, a glossary, policy recommendations, an interactive quiz, and resources to further delve into the topic.
January 2024
Open letter: EU institutions must respect Treaty on EU and implement structured civil dialogue now
European civil society sent an open letter to the European Commission, European Parliament, and the Council of the European Union urging the three institutions to take concrete measures to implement an open, transparent and regular dialogue with civil society organisations in all policy areas, as set out in Article 11 of the Treaty on European Union. The open letter, supported by 156 signatories from 26 Member States, was initiated by Civil Society Europe and the Civil Society Organisations’ Group of the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) and includes specific proposals for implementation.
September 2023
European Policy Brief VII: A vibrant civic space and trustworthy civil dialogue at the EU level

This policy brief, prepared in the framework of the EnTrust Project, examines the role of civil society organisations in EU policy-making, provides insights into the conditions of trust and mistrust between civil society organisations and the EU institutions, and makes recommendations for establishing a genuine civil dialogue at the European level.
September 2023
Report on practices of enhanced trust in governance

This report aims to provide a comprehensive analysis of the role, current state, and opportunities surrounding trust and distrust in the interaction between CSOs and EU governance. It explores the evolution of civil society’s involvement in EU governance from a constitutional, legislative, and regulatory perspective, analyses the origins and conditions of (dis)trust in EU institutions, and examines the status of trustworthy civil dialogue at both EU and national levels.
July 2023
EU Elections manifesto for better civic space and civil dialogue
June 2023
Civil society’s call to restore the details of European Commission officials in the EU Whoiswho register
Open letter coordinated by Civil Society Europe and Social Platform to Commissioners Hahn and Jourova and signed by over 110 European CSOs.
October 2022
Civil Dialogue: What’s next?
Towards an open, transparent, and structured EU civil dialogue
Civil society’s views on challenges and opportunities for an effective implementation of Article 11 TEU.
Roadmap to Civil Dialogue in the EU
CSE on Better Regulation
Stocktaking of the Commission’s ‘better regulation’ approach.
CSE’s response to the European Ombudsman Transparency Council Decision making in legislative preparatory work
Civil Society Europe’s response to the EC consultation on EU citizenship and free movement
December 2024