To defend our democracies we must defend civil society 12 December 202313 December 2023 EU_CSO_2024Democracy, Press releaseTagged #civilsociety, #Democracy, #democracy #EUdemocracypackage #civilsociety Today the Commission will present a package for the Defence of Democracy at European Parliament. Thi...
We need a new pillar on Civil Society to defend Democracy 18 April 20235 May 2023 EU_CSO_2024DemocracyTagged #civicspace, #civildialogue, #civilsociety, democracy Civil Society Europe and Philea contributed to the EU call for evidence on theĀ Defence of Democrac...
Contribute to the Civil Society Convention Cluster Consultations! 14 September 202114 February 2023 EU_CSO_2024Conference on the Future of Europe, Press releaseTagged #civilsociety, civil dialogue, COFOE future of Europe, conference on the future of europe, Europe, Future of Europe, Press Release Do you want to contribute to the Conference on the Future of Europe? Do you belong to a civil societ...
Civil Society & the National Recovery and Resilience Plans: what’s new? 30 August 202113 December 2023 EU_CSO_2024Call, EU Recovery PlanTagged #civilsociety, #Democracy, #EUbudget, #EURecovery As a follow up of the study on the participation of civil society organisations in the preparation o...