Building a new narrative of enlightened trust at European Union level 26 October 202013 February 2023 EU_CSO_2024Democracy, Project, ResearchTagged democracy, Distrust, Governance, research, Trust Civil Society Europe together with the EU funded Entrust Project Research Consortium led by the Univ...
European Civic Academy 2019 18 February 201914 February 2023 EU_CSO_2024European Civic Academy, EventTagged Civic Academy, civil society, research, social sciences The 3rd European Civil Society Academy will take place on 28 and 29 March 2019 in SÅ‚ubice at Colleg...
The first European Civic Academy to place in La Rochelle! 2 August 201614 February 2023 EU_CSO_2024Democracy, European Civic AcademyTagged Academy, democracy, La Rochelle, participation, research Join us at 8-9 October La Rochelle, France The first European Civic Academy will be held on 8-9 Octo...