On 10th January 2024, the Horizon 2020 EnTrust project consortium joins to present the findings of 4 years of research on trust and distrust in governance in two final events.
- EnTrust Research Conference: “Practice and research avenues on trust and distrust in governance”
The Research Conference of the EnTrust project will explore in three parallel workshops some key dimensions of trust and distrust between citizens and institutions: ‘The individual components of institutional trust’, ‘Political and institutional trust and the role of the media’, ‘Social movements, deliberative democracy and civil society organisations: interrelations and methods of policy-making influence’. The aim of the conference is to gather practitioners and researchers to discuss the research outcomes of the projects, and possible further avenues for practice-oriented research.
When: 10th January 2024.
What time: 9:15 – 13:15 CET.
Where: Stefan Zweig Visitors Centre of the European Parliament. Brussels, Belgium.
Read the workshops’ concept notes here and find the agenda here.
Register here until January 3rd, 12:00 CET!

- EnTrust Final Conference: “Acting to (re)build citizens’ trust in EU governance”
Hosted by MEP Prof. René Repasi, the Final Conference of the EnTrust project will be dedicated to the question of how trust in governance can be (re)built, with a strong focus on the EU level. The conference will hold keynote speeches and a high-level panel discussion, as well as a presentation of policy recommendations that encompass different governance levels and stakeholders. After a break, the late afternoon will be dedicated to the vision of young people on the future of the EU. This session will include the awards ceremony of the related EnTrust creative youth contest.
Among the confirmed panellists: Marc Lemaître, Directorate-General for Research and Innovation of the European Commission; Jelena Vasiljević, Institute for Philosophy and Social Theory, University of Belgrade; Gabriella Civico, President of Civil Society Europe.
When: 10th January 2024.
What time: 14:00 – 17:30 CET.
Where: European Parliament. Brussels, Belgium.
Find out more in the agenda here, and register here until January 3rd, 12:00 CET!

Don’t miss the opportunity to discuss with researchers, practitioners and policy-makers: register to the EnTrust Research Conference and the EnTrust Final Conference!