After several months of work, the campaign “Civil Society for EU” is getting relaunched today with a refreshed visual identity and a dedicated website. The website features key data, information and stories on European civil society. It will also display those candidates to the EP elections who will choose to sign the campaign pledge and express their support to European civil society.

Better recognition, protection and support to civil society in the EU: this is the goal of more than 170 civil society organisations and networks that have been advocating for better civic space and civil dialogue under the umbrella of the 2024 elections campaign “Civil Society for EU”.
Civil society actors all over Europe continue to face a series of obstacles that undermine the unlocking of their full potential in promoting and protecting democracy, helping respond to people’s needs and giving a voice to underrepresented groups.
For this reason, the campaign “Civil Society for EU”, led by Social Platform and Civil Society Europe, aims to put high on the agenda of European political families and candidates to next year’s EP elections the challenges experienced by civil society actors.
To reverse the trends of shrinking civic space and limited opportunities of dialogue between civil society and policy makers, the “Civil Society for EU” campaign calls on the future EU leaders and institutions to take two concrete policy measures: adopting a Civil Society Strategy and concluding a Civil Dialogue Agreement.
Join us in our mission to unlock the potential of EU democracy! Sign our campaign manifesto!
Visit the campaign website:
Read the campaign manifesto:
Are you a civil society organisation? Endorse the manifesto here
Are you a candidate for the EU elections? Sign the pledge in support of civil society here: