Within the framework of the Horizon 2020 Enlightened Trust (EnTrust) project, Civil Society Europe has developed the EnTrust Wiki, a collaborative website that aims to interactively present how the EU institutions work and how activists can concretely participate in EU policymaking.

The website is structured in 8 interactive modules, each of them with learning outcomes, a glossary, policy recommendations, an interactive quiz, and resources to further delve into the topic. These are the sections:
✅ Civil dialogue at the EU level: an introduction
✅ Transparency in the EU institutions
✅ Civil dialogue: the European Commission
✅ Civil dialogue: the European Parliament
✅ Civil dialogue: the Council of the European Union and the European Council
✅ Civil Society Organisations’ (CSOs) participation in the Rule of Law cycle
✅ Deliberative democracy at the EU level and relations with the CSOs
✅ Final reflections: on democratic social movements, civil society and enlightened trust
The wiki intends to grow from the input of users. Do you have any contributions? Fill out our form and let’s work together on empowering our action at the European level!