Open letter on breaches in transparency and accountability of Member States nominations to the EESC 2020-2025 17 July 202013 February 2023 EU_CSO_2024Democracy, Press release Based on article 302 of the Treaties, Civil Society Europe addressed a letter the Vice President of ...
Europe’s recovery after the pandemic and Civil Society 18 June 202014 February 2023 EU_CSO_2024Civic Space, Press release Ahead of the European Council meeting which will discuss the EU Recovery Plan and the EU Multiannual...
The EU must end gag lawsuits against civil society, trade unions & media 8 June 202013 February 2023 EU_CSO_2024Civic Space, Press release The EU must end gag lawsuits used to silence individuals and organisations that hold those in positi...
Trust and Distrust in EU Governance What is at stake? 27 May 202014 February 2023 EU_CSO_2024Event, Press release The University of Siegen in Germany and Civil Society Europe organised an online round table event o...
A shrinking and threatened civic space is an important indicator of a weak rule of law 4 May 202028 August 2023 EU_CSO_2024Campaign, Press release, Rule of Law Civil Society Europe published today its response to the European Commission annual report Rule of l...
CSE calls for legal measures at EU level to counter SLAPPs 4 February 202028 August 2023 EU_CSO_2024Campaign, Civic Space, Press release Civil Society Europe supports a letter sent to the Vice President of the European Commission Vera Jo...
Civil Society Europe discusses with the European Parliament the Conference on the Future of Europe 4 February 202014 February 2023 EU_CSO_2024CSE Governing meeting, Press release At its Extraordinary General Assembly Today Civil Society Europe will host an open session on the Co...
The Conference on the Future of Europe needs civil society organisations as key partners 21 January 202014 February 2023 EU_CSO_2024Press release Civil Society Europe welcomes the adoption by the European Parliament of its position on the Confere...
Civil Society Organisations accross Europe ready to work with Věra Jourová to protect civic space 29 October 201914 February 2023 EU_CSO_2024Civic Space, Press releaseTagged civic space, civil dialogue, civil society, Europe, Rule of Law Civil society organisations organised at National and European level, coming from a diversity of are...
Open letter over undue pressure to civil society in Bulgaria 4 October 201914 February 2023 EU_CSO_2024Civic Space, Press release Civil Society Europe is highly concerned about the legal procedures that have started in Bulgaria on...